Table Of Contents

Manage Products





The inventory module provides access to the inventory management system. Here we can keep track of the number of items in stock as well as price and cost. We
can create bundles which are collections of individual products to create a solution that we can sell. For example if we are selling a solar power system
for a home we might create a bundle which is a 5k Solar Grid Tie system. That system may have 20 panels, 2 inverters, x feet of wiring etc.. We can then
sell the bundle and it will calculate the cost of all of the items in it.



Managing products allows you to see all the products that you sell.

We have preset filters they are
1. Show all active products only
2. All products inactive/active
3. Items that are low in stock.



List Products

Upon selecting the manage product menu item it brings you to the list screen. Here you can add, edit and delete the products in
the system.


Add/Edit Product

When adding a new product to the system we have the below screen that will drive you through the fields necessary to create the item.